
performance :: avey tare and kria brekken

avey tare and kria brekken played to a packed house at tonic on sunday. beach house was a surprise opener, i enjoyed her voice and organ driven slow tempo tunes, reminded me of a darker mazzy star. a couple new tunes from avey and kria this time, and older tunes with flushed out arrangements. almost over an hour of performing. kria and avey ran into some lengthy tuning sessions, but otherwise it was another intimate performance of unique folky tunes. a couple of new covers this time too. no love from strangers, somebody unknowningly sat on my condenser mic i had clipped to a bass drum, thus i have the only in mono. i ended up having to clip the remaing working mic to my jacket and standing still as a statue. le sigh.

:: listen to MD recording::

:: untitled one
:: untitled two
:: fetus boy
:: untitled three
:: untitled four
:: untitled five
:: making bread
:: untitled six
:: untitled seven
:: untitled eight

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cd release :: collected animals vol.2

the collected animals forum, run by re:rz, has released a second cd to follow up the original popular musical compilation cd from active forum members. the second volume is an amazing compilation of experimental, noise, and indie rock music. another song by alias pail (co written by steve dacosta) appears on the comp.

:: listen to sonmi
:: listen to greenlandic blaque
:: listen to aimes francis

stronger songwriting and soundscapes from all the contributing members. there are some amazing gems on this compilation that transcend the influence of animal collective and establish the forum as a creditable meeting place for people passionate about listening and making music. it's going for $5 at flowerwolfdaddy's diy mini label, sterling roads records

srr06-1 collected animals volume II

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