
performance :: sawako

this sat ant, mayo, and i went to sawako's performance at monkeytown in williamsburg. monkeytown is a bar/restaurant with a room focused on presenting quality audio/visual shows. the sets are usually reservation only, maintaining a controllable audience, with entree order mandatory to watch the performance. snazzy dishes and a room boasting 4 screens enclosure, 6.1 surround sound, and limited capacity of 32 guests. the space serves as the perfect medium for sawako's material. this time sawako was performing her own visual effects, i think using jitter. the visual's were beautiful, moving from lights to negatives, feeling much like the music was passing through night and day.

words can't described how much admiration and respect i have for her work. i don't know any other female artist as sophisticated in audio and visual pursuits as her. she is a great inspiration and her focus on soundscape motivated me also to recognize the subtleties of creating woven atmospheres. currently she's working on many collaborations and preparing the release of a dvd of audio/visual works. can't wait to hear more; her album 'hum' is still on constant spin at my house, especially when i'm winding down in the evening.[ watch video]

:: listen to sawako live at monkeytown

another memorable moment in the night was chika and zach layton's duo performance. chika's visuals had reoccuring themes i remembered from previous performances. her set was hypnotizing and completedly exploited the four large screen enslaught. it was a complete dream. during the set i totally forgot what i did from the last week. i think her visuals and zach's laptop zooms and buzzes erased my memory. zach was sculpting this sound live with max/msp and they humorously miscounted a finale, 3...2...1... oops. no one really noticed and it was all smiles any way.[ watch video]


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