performance :: avey tare and kria brekken
:: watch short clips of the show ::
:: listen to MD recording ::
:: untitled 1:: untitled 2
:: untitled 3
:: untitled 4
:: untitled 5
:: piano instrumental
:: untitled 6
:: i've got mine (chris smither cover)
:: guitar instrumental
Thanks so much for this, must have been an amazing show.
thanks for putting these up. brilliant!
amazing. thank you so much for posting these. such a quality recording.
Hi. Thank you for posting this in deed. Do you know if Kria Brekkan has a myspace page for her new project?
thank you so much. these are awesome.
now that their album "Pullhair Rubeye" has come out, the actual tracklisting for this live session can be determined. And it is as follows:
1. Who Wellses in My Hoff
2. Opís Helpus (Pt. 1)
3. Opís Helpus (Pt. 2)
4. Foetus No-Man
5. Sis Around the Sándmill
6. Was Ónaíp
7. Lay Lay Off, Faselam
8. I've Got Mine
9. Palenka
thank youu, beautiful ...
Any lyrics? please? :)
oh god i love avey tare kria brekkan stuff
hier gibts ein gratis album zum download von dem größten noise/pop/shit/acoustic/lovely natural music typen
free album at:
tad sonic. because i love cakes
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