bent festival :: day two
today, took off early from work to make it to the bent festival open workshop. last night's intro had settled in, and i was eager to approach circuit bending with more predetermined intent. i attended a workshop hosted by justin jordan. in this workshop we built in house an lfo circuit which can easily be integrated into any instrument for bending effects. the soldering was tedious and everyone was scrambling like ants for parts and tools. i think over half of the class got their circuits to work. after taking this circuit home and playing with it more, i discovered a couple of things and had an new music instrument epiphany. i plan on designing this new instrument in the next month.
there were more exhibits on display and some of the instruments that the performining artists had on stage were truly amazing. this festival is one of the best festivals because of the level of interaction you have with other attendees, speakers, and the musicians. a great curiosity shoppe.
:: listen to my bent instrument Labels: bent festival 2006
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