performance :: pandatone, julianna barwick, praveen
musical pals pandatone, julianna barwick, and praveen performed at cake shop to host visiting kiiii. pandatone standing at a live performance?! yes, it's possible. he ran his guitar through his computer for added fx and played off recorded loop starters. julianna eased in her vocal loops on top, and praveen held light beats. it was an improv'd set, and kinda served as a kickoff to promote pandatone's new album, happy together, which comes out april 24th. advanced copies were available at the show. the album features a strong collaboration between pandatone and julianna barwick's vocals. unfortunately, i couldn't stay to see kiiii, but judging from their colorful hyper gold and silver dvd, i'm sure their set pumped the rainy day attenders into sugar high antics.
:: improv set ::
:: listen to first song
:: listen to second song
:: listen to third song
:: listen to fourth song
:: listen to fifth song
:: listen to sixth songLabels: julianna barwick, performance
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